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Taproom Reopening Info

We think reopening indoors is a big step, so we want to make sure we’re doing it right. Here’s what to expect from us now that we’re reopening indoors.

  • The Beer Garden will stay the same! You will still make Beer Garden reservations via Tock, and we’ll also seat walk-ups as we’re able. If you have a Beer Garden reservation, feel free to either come in through the taproom or through the alley to be seated by the host. The Beer Garden will continue to have table service (so, no need to go inside).
  • Taproom reservations are now available on Tock. We now have an “Indoor Taproom Reservation” option for you to use to make reservations for our reopening! There will be a host to greet you indoors, and we’ll also seat walk-ups as we can.
  • Crowler pick up will happen inside the taproom or via curbside pick up. Grab crowlers by popping into the taproom and letting the host know you’re there to pick up an order, or by pulling up to one of our curbside spots in the front and calling 612-444-3209 to let us know you’re out front. You will also still be able to add crowlers to your tab from the Beer Garden if you have a reservation there—just let your server know what you’d like and they’ll bring it out to you!
  • Our hours will be changing. Hours for the Beer Garden, Taproom, and Crowler Pick Up starting May 10th will be as follows.
    • Monday to Thursday — 4pm-11pm
    • Friday and Saturday — 12pm-11pm
    • Sunday — 12pm-9pm
  • Taproom reservations will be seated, but service will be at the bar. Your host will seat you at your table when you arrive, then you’ll walk to the bar to order. Which brings us to our next point…
  • You’ll need to wear a mask inside anytime you’re not sitting at your table. So, masks still very much needed when you come in (put it on outside rather than as you walk in, please!), when you get up to order, when you go to the bathroom… You get the idea. Please also mask up anytime a server comes to your table!
  • Sorry, no dogs (yet). No dogs inside the Taproom right now, but we love seeing your furry friend outside in the Beer Garden anytime.
  • Our Taproom is the perfect spot to celebrate being fully vaccinated! We won’t be checking vaccination cards at the door. But we do want to encourage you to make use of our ample outdoor Beer Garden seating if you’re not fully vaccinated yet.
  • Any questions? Shoot us an email! Send an email over to [email protected] and we’ll get back to you ASAP.