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Cooperates Partners 2021

The votes are in! Thank you to our members for participating in the Cooperates nomination and voting process this year. We’re both excited and honored to be partnering with the organizations below in the year to come. Cooperates Partners will receive 10% of the profit from crowler sales in their partner month, and we’ll also highlight ways to get involved with the organizations throughout the year.

Partner Month
Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha (CTUL) January
Minnesota Youth Collective February
Sexual Violence Center March
Friends of the Mississippi River April
Hmong American Farmers Association May
Sex Workers Outreach Project Minneapolis June
Urban Roots July
Take Action MN August
Brewing Change Collaborative September
Voices for Racial Justice October
Juxtaposition Arts November
Appetite for Change December

Learn more about the mission of each of our Cooperates Partners for 2021 below or by clicking the links above!

Climate Change

  • Appetite for Change: Appetite For Change uses food as a tool building health, wealth, and social change in North Minneapolis. AFC is a community-led organization that strengthens families, creates economic prosperity, and encourages healthy living.
  • Friends of the Mississippi River: Friends of the Mississippi River engages people to protect, restore and enhance the Mississippi River and its watershed in the Twin Cities region.
  • Hmong American Farmers Association: HAFA is dedicated to advancing the prosperity of Hmong farmers through cooperative endeavors, capacity building and advocacy. HAFA was started and is led by family farmers.
  • Urban Roots: Urban Roots is a Saint Paul organization whose mission is to cultivate and empower youth through nature, healthy food, and community.


  • Brewing Change MN: Brewing Change Collaborative’s mission is fostering diversity, equality, and inclusion of POC in, or interested in, the brewing industry through advocacy, outreach, and education, or just a couple beers.
  • Juxtaposition Arts: Juxtaposition Arts develops community by engaging and employing young urban artists in hands-on education initiatives that create pathways to self-sufficiency while actualizing creative power.
  • Sexual Violence Center: Sexual Violence Center provide respectful, confidential services to survivors, their friends, and their families free of charge. Their services are open to people of all genders. They also offer education and training.
  • Voices for Racial Justice: Long-term progress for racial equity requires effective organizing and resources that build leadership, relationships, power, and vision in Minnesota’s racial and cultural communities. Voices for Racial Justice’s strategies expand the power and effectiveness of community organizing and build a movement for racial, social, cultural, and economic equity.


  • Centro de Trabajadores Unidos en Lucha (CTUL): CTUL is dedicated to a vision of an empowered community of workers, and to that end is working toward increased involvement on the part of their members in determining the direction of our organization and its programs. They see workers coming together to improve their working conditions and strengthen their circumstances as the most effective way to grow and become stronger as a group, and to convince other workers that this is a cause worth joining and a fight they can win.
  • Minnesota Youth Collective: Minnesota Youth Collective is an organization that centers leadership development of the new generation of movement leaders, leveraging electoral work and issue advocacy as tactics to create a more equitable and just state for all people.
  • Sex Workers Outreach Project Minneapolis: SWOP-Minneapolis is a local branch of the Sex Workers Outreach Project, a national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of sex workers and their communities. SWOP focuses on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy.
  • TakeAction Minnesota: TakeAction Minnesota is a multi-racial people’s organization building power for a government and economy that works for all of us. We’re a hub for Minnesota’s progressive movement, bringing together people and organizations to make more politically possible. Founded in 2006, TakeAction Minnesota exists because the challenges we face are bigger than one campaign or election cycle.