New Beer Thursday: Doin’ Science Pils Vol. 2
We like pilsners and we like science. How does one do science with Pils, you ask? Have we got an answer for you. Part of good science is experimental design, and part of good experimental design is controlling for variables. What you need to do is change one thing at a time in order to understand all of the effects of that single change. Doin’ Science Pils Vol. 2 is the second in a series of pilsners that will feature one new ingredient or ingredient blend at a time. This time we’re trialing out a blend of European and American pilsner malts to see if we can hit the sweet spot of crisp but malty, round but not sweet, balanced in all things. Will our assumptions prove correct? Only way to find out is drink this sucker!
Style: Pilsner
ABV: 4.9%
Hops: Hallertau Mittelfruh
Malts: Raven Trading CZ Pils, North Star Pils
Yeast/Fermentation: Lager
Tasting Notes: A lot like Pils, but more Czech malt flavor—think Side Pull and Pils mixed
Available only at the taproom.