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NOW SERVING PIZZA! 🍕 Click here for Farina Rossa's hours and the menu for their Neapolitan and Detroit-style pizza!

Date Night with Marty’s Deli

6.24.22 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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Make it a date night! Snag a couple sandwiches from Marty’s Deli and enjoy BOGO draft pours or $2 off one crowler with a Marty’s Deli purchase (redeemable day-of only).

Marty’s preorders will be open the Monday prior until the Thursday prior at 5 pm. A limited number of sandwiches will be available for walkups.

Fair State Co-op members enjoy 25% off their Marty’s orders with a special code sent via the weekly member email newsletter. Not a member? Join today for as little as $5 per month.