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Board of Directors: 2023 Winners

Thank you to all members who voted in our 2023 Board of Directors election! Meet the new and returning members: Clemon Dabney, Christina DeVries, Kyle Knutson, and Jordan Merhar.

Clemon Dabney



Why are you excited to serve on the board?

I’m excited to serve on the board for the opportunity to work collaboratively with the other board members to help support Fair State’s mission and values because I’m passionate about the craft beer and cannabev industry.

Favorite Fair State + Chill State Products

Hop Water: Citra & CBD, Giantsbane, and Spirit Foul

Best way to drink a beer

For me, the best way to drink a beer is sitting outside on a warm summer evening, surrounded by the flickering lights of fireflies in the woods, with a cozy hammock to relax in and a crackling campfire to keep me warm.

Other hobbies or interests

I like to garden, hike, forage mushrooms and ramps and collect maple sap on my property in Taylors Falls.

Christina DeVries



Why are you excited to serve on the board?

The board and our community have been growing over the past three years. I’m excited to see where the work we’ve done and will continue to do will take us!

Favorite Fair State + Chill State Products

Stranger in the Alps, Side Pull, Pils, and Chill State Grapefruit Kush

Best way to drink a beer

By the lake or under the glory of a warm day! I love a bike ride to the beach, a good book, and a beer while in a floatie. I’m also a big fan of beers with friends on warm patio worthy days.

Other hobbies or interests

I am in a couple book clubs and love to bike or stroll to a coffee shop. My down time is usually spent with friends, in my hammock reading, gardening, or working on my latest creative interest. This spring I’ve been really into embroidery and upcycling clothing with new threads.


Kyle Knutson



Why are you excited to serve on the board?

It’s an honor to have the opportunity to be part of my favorite brewery in a bigger way. I’m really looking forward to getting to know the Fair State team and providing whatever help I can in this new chapter of growth.

Favorite Fair State + Chill State Products

Pils is my usual favorite, but KÖLD is very quickly becoming my new go-to since it’s my favorite style of beer.

Best way to drink a beer

Outside, on a boat, or around a fire with friends and family.

Other hobbies or interests

I’m a fairly unoriginal Minnesotan. I love spending time on the water, camping and hiking, snowshoeing or winter sports when it’s cold, and hanging out with friends and family. My newest full-time hobby is being a dad, and it rocks!


Jordan Merhar



Why are you excited to serve on the board?

I want to continue the important DEI work initiated over the last few years, and I am excited to continue serving and representing membership! I’m looking forward to leading Fair State through upcoming changes in a world impacted by COVID-19 and as we navigate and balance our cannabis products with our beer products.

Favorite Fair State + Chill State Products

I am a diehard Pahlay fan. When it’s not available, a Mirror Universe will suffice for this Trekkie!

Best way to drink a beer

In the sun with good company.

Other hobbies or interests

I’ve recently gotten into houseplants and am hoping to expand that to outdoor plants as soon as we’re able to purchase our first house, and I love fiber arts!