Favor of the Foxes
Dark lager with cold press and vanilla
This week’s NBT design comes to us courtesy of Nick Walby, Fair State brewer extraordinaire. Favor of the Foxes is a slightly higher ABV dark lager with cold press coffee and a subtle vanilla addition.
Process Notes
Coffee added at packaging
Fun Fact
Curious about the name? Nick explains: I’m a nerd at heart and play tabletop board games at least a couple times a week. A friend in my gaming group introduced us to a game called “Root” over the Summer and we all fell in love with it and have been playing it a bunch since. It’s produced by a St. Paul, MN based company called Leder Games and in 2018 won a bunch of awards for outstanding design (both in terms of gameplay and art). There is a very powerful card in the game called “Favor of the Foxes” that allows the player to basically destroy everything on a space of the board, hopefully disrupting all the other players’ plans. So it’s an homage to my gaming group, an outstanding local board game, and a celebration of disrupting other players’ plans.